Monday, January 6, 2014

2010 Nomination Forms

The Notice of the Annual General Meeting scheduled for January 28, 2010, includes a Nomination Form for Council.

This is new. It falls short of a nominating committee, but it's better than we've had in the past. I hope owners will use it well - there are at least a few good people in this strata corporation who could do a decent job on council.

The Notice of meeting states, "No items of new business may be added to the agenda delivered with the Annual General Meeting Notice..." Unless we are asking for résumés, I hope this notice doesn't confuse anyone into thinking they cannot just add whoever they want to nominate from the floor at the AGM, the same as always.

I myself am not in the habit of phoning or visiting other owners, and I am not socially outgoing. I have, nevertheless, lived here long enough to name people I would nominate for council. I do not however dare to do so.
My reputation has been so defamed and my credibility so maligned by Mr Mac and others connected to him that I believe a nomination from me could be like a kiss of death for anyone I would name.
I am just hoping that most owners are decent people, able to comprehend factual data and make sound decisions. My experiences in recent years make me afraid however that without knowing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth these same people can be misled by strata managers or power trippers who treat others in ways they would not treat themselves.
The main purpose of this blog is to stop Mr Mac from returning to council.
In all of my strata blogs I have referred to Al MacLeod as Mr Mac. I'm hoping that this pseudonym will give owners the information that they need to know, while avoiding excessive harm to Mr Mac.

I would much prefer that there was no need to talk about Mr Mac or strata management in negative terms. After more than 7 years of trouble I have grown compelled to report on matters that raise a reasonable apprehension of misconduct.

Although reliable factual data is persistently withheld by strata management I have tried my best to be accurate. I have done my best to resist adding extraneous comments and emotional rants. This is not easy for me to do. Traumatic stress is difficult to overcome and control.
Mr Mac has proven he will sue people, with or without cause. In response to my strata blog exposé he persuaded the 2009 AGM to authorize council to provide him with the services of a lawyer to act against me.

Truth can, indeed, be stranger than fiction.