Sunday, March 21, 2010

Residential Review of Building Envelope

I don't know whose handwriting is on this form dated April 22, 2008, but it is not mine, and it is not my husband's.

The form I completed and delivered to the strata mailbox on the due date listed many defects besides the deck door issues reported on my list and on the lists of many others. The form I submitted was not in the strata records with the rest of the Residential Review Checklists, or anywhere else I could see.

My checklist included the mildew in window frames and missing flashings also reported by other owners, as well as water taps not extended, and misplaced porch lighting and address numbers.

I found it interesting that unit 405 didn't list water in the stone work as a problem, although unit 206 did.

Unit 514 listed white marks (efflorescence) on the stone facing and a skylight with a broken seal. This was interesting as I had no knowledge of that particular floor plan ever including skylights, and I can only assume that I paid for them without awareness or consent in addition to the extra deck on that unit.